How You Can Help Fight Microplastic Pollution
Approximately 35% of microplastic pollution comes from washing synthetic fibers. This is not surprising since shreds of small microfibers are produced from washing, spinning, and rubbing clothes. These fibers go to wastewater systems and into the air, waterways, and oceans.
Less Washing of Clothes
You do not only save time but also money when you do this eco-friendly method. We utilize a lot of electricity when we wash and dry our clothes in a washing machine. As a result, there is much C02 emitted and more costly electricity bills. You can save from these bills, and your clothes will last longer if you do this.
Washing Using Cold Water
Besides reducing carbon emissions, washing on cold water is gentler on your clothes. They do not break down as much, so there is less production of microfibers.
Air Drying Your Clothes
Not only does air-drying clothes produce less CO2 and do not easily damage clothes, but microfiber production is also lessened.
Using Microfiber Filters
You likely have a lot of clothes with synthetic fiber. It is almost impossible to eliminate all synthetic clothing. Nevertheless, you can do something about them by using microfiber filters that are available in the market.
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